This morning we were proud to be invited to this term's Honour Assembly where Jeremy received a citizenship Honour Award for "always trying to be helpful in class and to others".
Yesterday he went to hospital for a few checkups. The dentist is happy with his teeth, and just put a bit of fluoride on them. However, he showed us Jeremy's teeth X-ray which was taken in April 2012, and told us that his adult molar roots are about 1/3 the length that they should be. This is due to all the chemo and radiation that he had to have, and there is nothing that we can do about it. Calcium won't help, but at least we know that he has to be very careful as it is easier for his teeth to be knocked out. He must wear a mouthguard if he plays contact sports etc.
He also had a skin prick test for peanuts. Although a tiny lump did appear on his skin, the immunologist was not worried as Jeremy has been eating 3 roasted peanuts every morning (he prefers them to Peanut M&Ms). She has written to our school principal to let him know that Jeremy is no longer allergic and can be taken off the school medical alert list - Jeremy is very happy to be off the list!
He was very brave and didn't complain when they took 11 tubes of blood from him for his 3 year bloods! We will get the results of his blood tests next week when we see the bone marrow transplant doctor.