Tuesday, December 29, 2009

28 December 2009


Jeremy was given water again last night, instead of nasogastric feeds, but his appetite only picked up at dinnertime when he ate a bowl of udon and mince pork.

Just before dinner, we had a bit of a scare when we noticed that Jeremy felt hot and that his cheeks were quite flushed. We took his temperature, and it registered at 37.8 degrees! However, then we looked at his sibling, whose cheeks were also red (but no elevated temperature) and figured out that it had been caused by them standing too close to the TV and getting over-excited while playing Supermario Bros! Despite our constant warnings to stand back, in their enthusiasm, they keep edging closer and closer to the screen until they are almost touching it!

Thankfully, after dinner, Jeremy's temperature had gone down to 37.2 degrees - and now they have to stand behind a temporary barrier when they play Wii!

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