Friday, January 22, 2010

22 January 2010


Overnight, the nurses continued the slow process of weaning Jeremy off his drugs, and when he woke in the morning, they stopped it. Although he did sleep for longer than the previous night, his face showed he was still exhausted, so it was good that he piped up when his sister arrived. He was detained in ICU for observation until just after midday, when he was released to go back to Camperdown ward. Mummy was able to sneak downstairs for a short nap this morning.

Jeremy and Mummy were both able to have a long afternoon nap today, and both look forward to a better nights sleep. Jeremy still does not have much of an appetite - he managed to eat one lychee in the afternoon. He was looking a lot better after this nap, and was keen to play games on the iphone - he even had a good time sharing with his sister!

The wound where his central line was still has some blood there, we are told it may take a couple of days for the wound to close up - they did not put a stitch in, just sealed it over with a clear dressing. This afternoon, we noticed a slight rash on his arms, legs, and chest. It is not clear what it might be from, but they will keep an eye on it.

They have confirmed that Jeremy has a gram negative infection, quite possibly a similar strain of ESBL he suffered from previously (unfortunately they are not sure yet as it takes days for them to grow these cultures). The doctors commented that when they took the central line out, it was clear to them that it was infected (they cut it up and sent it off to be cultured). This means that he will be kept for 7 days worth of antibiotics treatment. He is on 3rd line antibiotics, which will be changed once the particular bug is identified. 

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