Sunday, November 22, 2009

21 November 2009


Discharged, but not for very long...

Jeremy was discharged before lunchtime today, as he had been doing well, and was now on his new antibiotic. We would have to bring him back each day, around midday to have this med in his central line. We came home to have lunch and dinner together, which was great.

However, after dinner, he started feeling warm to the touch again, and we had to take his temperature. This showed he has a fever, and a quick call to the hospital confirmed that he had to come back in again. The children had both been asleep for some time, so we were thankful that KonKon was able to come and drive Jeremy back to hospital.

Jeremy was stuck in Emergency for quite a few hours - it wasn't until around 2am that they got a bed in Variety ward. A different room this time, but it is good that they could then get to sleep for a few hours.

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